Available as a 1000x1800 JPEG or 2400x4200 JPEGs (two versions)

Participants of the Tropical QKD workshop held at the Institute for quantum computing, Waterloo, Canada, June 14–17, 2010


This picture from Quantum hacking lab gallery is included in Picture Collection on Photo Pages.

Taken on July 15, 2010. The building in the background is the Institute for quantum computing (IQC).
Canon EOS Rebel T1i digital camera, EF 75–300 1:4–5.6 II lens at 125 mm, 81A filter, ISO 100, f/13 1/160, >A-DEP, spot metering off hand angled differently to the sun: –1 to +2; tripod.

How you can use this image. ©2010 Vadim Makarov

Vadim Makarov