Gas-station in Trondheim, Norway
This is not a FoundView photograph. No, the picture was there - multiple reflections in a nearby window. But I flipped the slide horizontally, so that it better resembles the actual building and the signs can be read.
This picture from Lights of Trondheim gallery is also included in Picture Collection (ref. nr. n11-31) on Photo Pages
Fujichrome Sensia II 100 film, Canon EOS 500N, EF 75-300 1:4-5.6 II lens at 150mm, skylight 1B filter, f/22 (40sec) 1.5min reciprocity failure corrected, partial metering: bright yellow area +2, blue to the left of it -0.5; tripod. Taken in February 1998. Scanned on Nikon LS30 scanner.
Copyright 1998 Vadim Makarov: information on how you can use this image