Available as a 1000x1500 JPEG

View og Copenhagen from the sea (from Tårbæk, a place on the shore by Dyrehaven)


The light streak in the sky is left by a plane taking off at the Copenhagen airport.

This picture is included in Picture Collection (ref. nr. a139-31) on Photo Pages

Taken on June 18, 2001.
Fujichrome Sensia II 100 film, Canon EOS-3, EF 75-300 1:4-5.6 II lens at 300mm, R3 filter + polarizer (minimizes sky brightness, maximizes water brightness) f/10 40sec, spot metering: water -0.7, sky 0; tripod, light wind, MLU. Scanned on Nikon LS-2000 scanner.

How you can use this image. ©2001 Vadim Makarov

Vadim Makarov