A-6. The official FoundView guidelines
The official FoundView guidelines consist of two simple questions. Together they alone determine whether or not the FoundView checkmark can be attached to any given photograph:
1. Has there been any post-shutter manipulation of any forms or shapes in the photograph? If so, the photograph cannot qualify as FoundView.
2. Would the typical viewer feel deceived about any aspect of the photograph? If so, the photograph cannot qualify as FoundView.
That's it! (But note that in order for a photograph to qualify as FoundView, the answer must be "No" to BOTH questions above, not just one or the other.)
The above is the essence of FoundView, reduced to its most basic core. Everything else on this web site (especially the dozens of questions and answers in Sections B-F) is an elaboration of these two simple requirements. We strongly encourage those interested in applying FoundView to their work to read the other sections of the web site in order to more fully understand the evolution, philosophy, and practical implications of FoundView.