«Протокол квантовой передачи ключа и взлом систем через неидеальности»
(то же другой группе: 1:34:22)
| PDF (4.2 MiB) или PowerPoint (47 MiB)
Talk Improving security of a QKD system via an external audit
| V. Makarov
| PDF (3.1 MiB) or PowerPoint (16.5 MiB)
| BQIT online workshop, 27–30 April 2020
Лекция «Квантовая криптография»
| В. Макаров
| 1:09:35
| PDF (7.8 MiB) или PowerPoint (94.3 MiB)
| IT Nights в Иннополисе, Россия, 1 августа 2019
Public lecture Can we do better than Julius Caesar? Building unbreakable cryptography
| V. Makarov
| 1:53:44
| PDF (4.3 MiB) or PowerPoint (70.5 MiB)
| Science cafe in Turku, Finland, 2 September 2017
Lecture Can quantum physics break cryptographys curse?
| V. Makarov
| 59:41
| PDF (13.1 MiB) or PowerPoint (119 MiB)
| SHA2017 camp in Zeewolde, Netherlands, 4–8 August 2017
Talk Insecurity of detector-device-independent quantum key distribution
| A. Huang
| 11:22
| QCrypt conference in Washington DC, USA, 12–16 September 2016
Talk Laser damage creates backdoors in quantum communication
| S. Sajeed
| 12:04
| QCrypt conference in Washington DC, USA, 12–16 September 2016
Tutorial Challenges to physical security of todays quantum technologies
| V. Makarov
| 1:30:58
| PDF (9.4 MiB) or PowerPoint (18.0 MiB)
| QCrypt conference in Washington DC, USA, 12–16 September 2016
Lectures 3 and 4 in Implementation of quantum communication
| V. Makarov
| PDF (15.6 MiB) or PowerPoint (89.3 MiB)
| Part of course QIC 891 at the University of Waterloo, August 2016
Talk Challenges to physical security of todays quantum technologies
| V. Makarov
| 35:51
| Trustworthy quantum information workshop (TyQI) in Shanghai, China, 27–30 June 2016
Lecture Quantum hacking
| V. Makarov
| PDF (13.1 MiB) or PowerPoint (25.3 MiB)
| ID Quantique 8th winter school on quantum cybersecurity in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 16–21 January 2016
Lecture Limits on physical security of quantum communications
| V. Makarov and A. Huang
| PDF (10.8 MiB) or PowerPoint (101 MiB)
| Several seminars in South Korea and China, 15 October – 2 November 2015
Talk The future is quantum
| V. Makarov
| PDF (11.0 MiB) or PowerPoint (106 MiB)
| Norwegian cryptographic seminar in Trondheim, Norway, 8 September 2015
Lecture Implementations of QKD and security challenges
| V. Makarov
| PDF (16.1 MiB) or PowerPoint (133 MiB)
| QKD graduate school at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada, 17–21 August 2015
Talk Progress and challenges in quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| PDF (10.0 MiB) or PowerPoint (77.8 MiB)
| Seminar at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, 10 July 2015
Talk Testing quantum crypto
| V. Makarov
| PDF (4.2 MiB) or PowerPoint (16 MiB)
| ETSI 2nd quantum-safe crypto workshop in Ottawa, Canada, 6–7 October 2014
Lecture Quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| 50:00
| PDF (6.8 MiB) or PowerPoint (63 MiB)
| Phys 10 undergraduate seminar at the University of Waterloo, Canada, 30 September 2014
| V. Makarov
| PDF (14.8 MiB) or PowerPoint (95 MiB)
| Part of summer course Implementation of quantum communication at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada, 1 August 2014
Introduction to quantum cryptography
Quantum hacking part 1
Quantum hacking part 2
Lecture Quantum cryptography and quantum hacking
| V. Makarov
| PDF (14.5 MiB) or PowerPoint (293 MiB)
| Quantum information and quantum technologies summer school in Bucharest, Romania, 2–5 July 2014
Debate On the unconditional security of quantum key distribution
| R. Renner, E. Diamanti, G. M. DAriano, V. Makarov, H. Yuen
| 1:24:02
| HotPI conference in Changsha, China, 11 November 2013
Lecture Loopholes in implementations of quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| PDF (20.6 MiB) or PowerPoint (27.7 MiB)
| ID Quantique 5th winter school on practical quantum communications in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, January 2013
Lecture Quantum hacking
| V. Makarov
| 1:17:19
| PowerPoint (17.4 MiB)
| Undergraduate school on experimental quantum information processing (USEQIP) at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada, June 2012
Lecture Loopholes in implementations of quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| PDF (6.4 MiB) or PowerPoint (15.9 MiB)
| ID Quantique 4th winter school on practical quantum cryptography in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, January 2012
Talk Loopholes in implementations of quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| 1:07:03 (MPEG-4, 418 MiB)
| PowerPoint (14.1 MiB)
| QCRYPT conference in Zurich, Switzerland, September 2011
Video abstract for our paper After-gate attack on a quantum cryptosystem
| C. Wittmann and N. Jain
| 4:53 or download (MPEG-4, 67 MiB)
| January 2011
Lecture Attacks on implementations of quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| PowerPoint (24.2 MiB)
| ID Quantique 3rd winter school on practical quantum cryptography in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, January 2011
Lecture Practical attacks on QKD implementations
| V. Makarov
| PowerPoint (20.3 MiB)
| id Quantique 2nd winter school on practical quantum cryptography in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, February 2010
Lecture How you can build an eavesdropper for a quantum cryptosystem
| S. Sauge and Q. Liu
| 52:02 or download (MPEG-4, 582 MiB)
| PowerPoint (4.4 MiB)
| 26th Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, Germany, December 2009
Lecture How we eavesdropped 100% of a quantum cryptographic key
| V. Makarov and I. Gerhardt
| 52:12
| PowerPoint (16.1 MiB)
| Hacking at Random conference at de Paasheuvel, Netherlands, August 2009
Talk Eve strikes back: attacks exploiting component imperfections
| V. Makarov
| PDF (7.2 MiB) or PowerPoint (13.1 MiB)
| Seminar at AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 October 2008
Poster Faked states attack exploiting detector efficiency mismatch on BB84, phase-time, DPSK, and Ekert protocols
| V. Makarov
| PDF (1.0 MiB) or JPEG (1.5 MiB)
| XI International Conference on Quantum Optics in Minsk, Belarus, 26–31 May 2006
Talk Attacks via optical loopholes
| V. Makarov
| PDF (1.3 MiB) or PowerPoint (1.9 MiB)
| 1st Quantum Information Theory workshop of SECOQC project in Erlangen, Germany, 13–17 September 2004
Lecture Quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| PDF (9.7 MiB) or PowerPoint (5.9 MiB)
| Part of Fiber components course at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2003
Talk Quantum cryptography
| V. Makarov
| PDF (1.8 MiB) or PowerPoint (2.0 MiB)
| Norwegian Cryptographic Seminar in Trondheim, Norway, 17–18 October 2002
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